Southern Hemi Shred Day



Last Saturday was go skateboarding day and in my neighborhood I saw people on skateboards that I am pretty sure haven’t ridden for ages. It was pretty rad.

It got me thinking about world snowboard day which is in December so not really accessible for us here in the Southern Hemisphere. So why not start our own thing? World snowboard day is the first day of Winter for the Northern Hemi and done as a way to get people ready and hyped for the season. So we need a day that’s early in the season but not so early there wont be snow on the ground.

So we have settled on the first Sunday in July.

We want as many people to get involved as possible so if you can help out in any way let us know. We would like to get as many brands and resorts on board as well (including other board brands). This is about snowboarding not selling things.

But the biggest help will be to get on snow and just document your adventures.


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